Specifikke og nuværende job positioner og uddannelse

2020 Ansat som behandlende og klinikansvarlig speciallæge i Klinik Inito

2000 Lægeeksamen/autorisation, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sverige
2002 Tilladelse til selvstændigt virke som læge i Sverige
2008 Speciallæge i ortopædkirurgi
2014 Ph.D. ved Lunds universitet, doktorafhandling om glykosaminoglykaner/hyaluronsyre
2016 Ejer och kosmetisk behandler, Plastic Fantastic, Höllviken, Sverige
2018 Speciallæge i almen medicin
2019 Autorisation og tilladelse til selvstændigt virke som læge i Danmark

2020 Godkendt kosmetisk behandler i Danmark med både botulinumtoksin og ikke-permanente fillers.​

Æstetiskt motto

“Visible invisible results”.​

  1. Ohlin M, Owman H, Rioux JD, Newkirk MM, Borrebaeck CA (1994). Restricted variable region gene usage and possible rheumatoid factor relationship among human monoclonal antibodies specific for the AD-1 epitope on cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B. Mol Immunol. Sep;31(13):983-91.
  2. Ohlin, M., H. Owman, J. D. Rioux, M. M. Newkirk and C. A. Borrebaeck (1994). Restricted variable region gene usage and possible rheumatoid factor relationship among human monoclonal antibodies specific for the AD-1 epitope on cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B. Abstract 12th European Immunology Meeting, Barcelona: 40.
  3. Ohlin, M., H. Owman, M. Mach, V-A. Sundqvist and C. A. Borrebaeck (1995). Light chain shuffling of a cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B-specific antibody results in a modified epitope specificity. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 99: 24.
  4. Ohlin M, Owman H, Mach M, Borrebaeck CA (1996). Light chain shuffling of a high affinity antibody results in a drift in epitope recognition. Mol Immunol. Jan;33(1):47-56.
  5. Huang YH, Schäfer-Elinder L, Owman H, Lorentzen JC, Rönnelid J, Frostegård J (1996). Induction of IL-4 by platelet-activating factor. Clin Exp Immunol. Oct;106(1):143-8.
  6. Owman H., P. Neuman, F. Nyquist, C. J. Tiderius and L. Dahlberg (2006). Can dGEMRIC predict future osteoarthritis in the knee? Abstract ORS, Chicago: 1544.
  7. Owman H, Tiderius CJ, Neuman P, Nyquist F, Dahlberg LE (2008). Association between findings on delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage and future knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. Jun;58(6):1727-30.
  8. Neuman P, Owman H, Müller G, Englund M, Tiderius CJ, Dahlberg LE (2014). Knee cartilage assessment with MRI (dGEMRIC) and subjective knee function in ACL injured copers: a cohort study with a 20 year follow-up. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. Jan;22(1):84-90.
  9. Owman H, Tiderius CJ, Ericsson YB, Dahlberg LE (2014). Long-term effect of removal of knee joint loading on cartilage quality evaluated by delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. Jul;22(7):928-32.
  10. Owman H, Ericsson YB, Englund M, Tiderius CJ, Tjörnstrand J, Roos EM, Dahlberg LE (2014). Association between delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and joint space narrowing and osteophytes: a cohort study in patients with partial meniscectomy with 11 years of follow-up. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. Oct;22(10):1537-41.
  11. Owman, H (2014). Human studies evaluating dGEMRIC as a prognostic tool for knee osteoarthritis. Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series 2014:22, ISSN 1652-8220, ISBN 978-91-87651-46-5.
  12. Ericsson YB, Roos EM, Owman H, Dahlberg LE (2019). Association between thigh muscle strength four years after partial meniscectomy and radiographic features of osteoarthritis 11 years later. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Nov 3;20(1):512.

​Som medlemmer af Sikkerhedsforeningen har vi en repræsentationspart, der giver os direkte adgang til høringer og lovgivningsmæssige tiltag hos Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed (STPS). Dette sikrer, at vi altid er opdaterede med de nyeste regler og retningslinjer, hvilket betyder, at din klinik kan operere i overensstemmelse med de højeste sikkerhedsstandarder. Vores aktive rolle i Sikkerhedsforeningen giver os også mulighed for at påvirke udviklingen af den kosmetiske lovgivning.

Medical Team

CVR 42004898​

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